#72 ✓resolved
Charles Brunet

Possible invalid id of checkboxes in MailForm

Reported by Charles Brunet | November 12th, 2008 @ 02:23 PM | in 5.0.3 (closed)

In MF_Widget_Checkbox, checkbox value shoud be separated from label. Actually, if you specify a value with many words in settings.php file, it results into an invalid id. (In fact, checkbox get to id fields, one from the name, and one from the value... this is an other bug)

Separating value from label would also allow translating the label.

I propose to set value like this:


type = checkbox

value 1 = yes, String to identify yes

value 2 = no, String to identify no

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Charles Brunet

    Charles Brunet July 29th, 2009 @ 03:27 PM

    • Assigned user changed from “lux” to “Charles Brunet”
    • State changed from “new” to “open”

    We actually can specify a different key from label, using setValues like that:

    setValues = "eval: array ('key1'=>'label 1', 'key2'=>'label 2')"

    What should be done would be to convert invalid keys into valid ones to prevent invalid xhtml.

  • Charles Brunet

    Charles Brunet August 7th, 2009 @ 02:50 PM

    • State changed from “open” to “resolved”
    • Milestone set to 5.0.3

    Another way is to use the syntax:

    value[] = A first value
    value[] = A second value
    value[] = A third value
    default_value = 0,2

    I did some corrections to ease translation of checkboxes ans to generate more valid xhtml (ids were duplicated...)

    It is still possible to create invalid checkbox values, but there are ways to avoid that.

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