#109 new
Vojtech Jina

RPC - sending some scripts and more params.

Reported by Vojtech Jina | January 28th, 2009 @ 06:44 AM

I have problem with ajax requests... I need to send back, as a response, some JS and then eval it or not, thats not important... When I use RPC (saf/Misc/RPC.php) everything goes through rpc_serialize() and thats the problem... Serializing objects, arrays, numbers, strings.... everything work fine... But sometimes I need to send the raw code... I managed it by adding parameter to rpc_handle() whether I want to serialize the data or not... Do you thing its a good sollution ? Maybe its possible to make without code changing, but I dont know how... If somebody wants it, I can upload it...

Second thing, is sending more than one parameter... It sends only the first one. The problem is in rpc_handle()

	// remove unwanted parameters
	unset ($parameters['mode']);
	unset ($parameters['page']);
	unset ($parameters['error']);
	unset ($parameters['files']);
	unset ($parameters['param']);
	unset ($parameters['method']);
	unset ($parameters['_rewrite_sticky']);

		$res = call_user_func_array (
				array (&$obj, $method),

At this time, array parameters contains all params, that we have sent... But in specific $obj->$method() call, there is only the first one.... I DONT KNOW WHY ?

This works fine...

		$res = call_user_func_array (
				array (&$obj, $method),
				array('param' => $parameters)

But we have to know it, when making some applications... Now, all params are send to the function call as one array.

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